Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Money 101 with Clairvoyant Jackie Harris

The Metaphysics of money can be explained as EMOTIONAL CURRENCY. Our belief system has much to do with money surrounding it. We each carry our own emotional, psychological and symbolic ideas when it comes to money. Belief is one of our most powerful assets or one of our most destructive foes. With the ability to believe good things about money, you can accomplish nearly anything. The more you believe in yourself, the more you will definitely become accomplished. Almost every decision we make, and so much of our personalities are formed in some way, shape or form by our beliefs around money.
Think about how you were raised. Did you come from a wealthy family or a poor family? What kind of financial decisions did your parents make? How are they different from yours? What kind of beliefs are you teaching your children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren? Do you feel completely connected to your financial situation mentally, emotionally and physically? Practicing money spells for abundance, opportunities and wealth combined with gratitude and generosity can help you remove any emotional blockages we have developed about money. Practicing this type of energy work for others may be easier and can help you become more comfortable with these types of requests for yourself, family and friends in times of need.
Abundance comes to those who MAKE ROOM FOR IT and for those WHO HAVE A POSITIVE BELIEF ABOUT MONEY! It's just as simple as that. When we face situations that are near physical or mental impossibilities, then it is our belief system, or belief in ourselves, that determines if it is possible.

• Our belief system is one of the major factors that can get us through situations or can cause our life to crumble around us! How we "program" ourselves to see what our abundance is, shows us just how wealthy we are.
• Our self-confidence and self-love is often the key to opening and strengthening this portion of our thoughts which in turn emanates from ourselves, which in turn allows abundance to find us!
• Energy follows thought. Program your thoughts to be positive and your energy will reflect it!
• Really appreciating what we DO have as opposed to what we would like to have sometimes makes a significant difference. This is always an important element in a wealthy person that is often neglected.
• Our self-confidence and self-love is often the key to opening and strengthening this portion of our thoughts which in turn emanates from ourselves, which in turn allows abundance to find us!

Really appreciating what we DO have as opposed to what we would like to have sometimes makes a significant difference. This is always an important element in a wealthy person that is often neglected. Here is how you can set a good foundation for successful Money Spells:

• Always express Gratitude Daily!
It is a great way to start the day. It reminds us to be grateful for what we do have and allows us to stay grounded. Expressing Gratitude raises your vibration. When you raise your vibration you invite positive experiences, people, and opportunities into your life.

• Pay Your Bills With Great Thanks
If you feel resentment every time you have to pay a bill, the money will come back to you even slower. If you pay with love and joyfulness, you open the free flowing channel of abundance. Remember, a bill is an acknowledgment of your ability to pay. Someone gives you the product or the service first, entrusting you for good reason; that you are able, capable and a dependable person. So pay each bill with thanks and appreciation.

• Allow Yourself Pleasure
You truly deserve it and if you don't think so, you need to go back and re-evaluate as to why you don't think you deserve it.

Enjoy the spending of money. What old belief is stopping you? Change it!

Be Generous!

I personally believe that when you have a generous heart and your actions support this, you will be blessed. This also balances out your requests to the Universe for favor. Often spells go wrong because greed is behind the intention. There are no acts of generosity and kindness behind the requests. Have you ever heard that when you use a money spell you will have to “pay for it” in other ways? This is where this belief comes from. This concept is untrue if you express gratitude, practice generosity. I know this first hand
Green is the color most associated with money and prosperity!

Candles always work well when dealing with aims and aspirations. I love using incense and candles because using the Element of Fire, represent drive. Small White utility candles can be used in place of Green candles if they “dressed” in essential oils. They also don’t take as long to burn, however they require more supervision.
These Crystals work well when you combine them with these Essential Oils and Incense
Tiger's Eye- Sandalwood, Cedar, Frankincense
Aventurine- Peppermint, Rosemary
Amethyst -Lavender, Sandalwood
Citrine- Orange, Lemon, Frankincense
Clear Quartz-Lavender, Sandalwood, Rose, Cedar, Almond,
Obsidian- Patchouli, Almond
Red Jasper- Cedar, Clove
Rose Quartz- Rose, Almond
Smoky Quartz- Orange, Almond

If you would like Jackie to perform a money spell for you on your behalf please call 1-800-439-1382 ext 102 
Fee: $65.00 
Visa Debit, Visa, Mastercard and Amex accepted
Or email us at

Visit our website: 
For more information about Jackie and other services available. 

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