Thursday, December 20, 2012

My child can see ghosts! Please help.

Here is letter I received from a parent of a gifted child. I wanted to share this because I think it would help so many♥
Dear Jackie,
"So it has been months since my son has "saw ghosties". Last night he was in tears and said there was "hundreds" of them. He doesn't know how much that is....but none the less he was terrified. What can I do to help him?"
(concerned mom)

Dear concerned Mom,
I think your son witnessed an energy portal opening up in the Universe. Many souls are exiting (dying) before a higher shift in consciousness occurs. 2013 will be a very spiritual year for all of us. With the coming and going of 2012 it will cause many people to reevaluate their lives and their personal connection to God, their families and the Universe.
Here is something you can do that may help: Use an object that makes him feel safe, a teddy bear, dream catcher, Mickey Mouse, or a large round crystal or stone (clear quartz or Rose quartz, Rainbow moonstone) Unless he puts things in his mouth and you are afraid he might try to swallow, eat or throw the stone. Tell him that he is safe when he has those experiences, and hand him the object. Tell him his (Angels, God, the Virgin Mary ect..whatever your spiritual belief is) will protect him along with the object that you selected. This helps young ones personify what they cant see. They learn "Faith" this way. Faith in themselves and a higher being that can protect them and dispel their fear. I hope this helps.
Jackie Harris
Visit The Light Explorers Blog a place for parents of psychic children:

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