Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I pray...why do I need to meditate?

“I pray, I don’t need to meditate…” 

What is the  difference between prayer and meditation?

People ask me this question all the time. It is my belief that they are both 
beneficial, but completely different. Here are my thoughts about prayer and meditation:

Prayer is a conversation with your God. In prayer you can mentally or verbally express concerns, gratitude, desires, request healing or ask for direction. Basically you are  releasing your troubles to a higher power. We can not physically “hear” Gods voice. But, you can trust your intuition, the gut feeling, that unheard knowing of what is right and wrong. This inner voice is always available to help you make important decisions. If you know how to listen for it. The answer is usually found within. Speaking of going within…

Meditation is where we receive the answer to those prayers from within. When we take the time to calm the mind of mental chatter and acknowledge our spirit from within (which is directly connected to the God source) Here we will find the comfort, peace, happiness and reassurance that there is more to life than just our physical needs. We can find happiness and comfort , visualize our deepest desires coming true and thus attracting it and experience healing. With practice you may even be able to communicate with the many (spirit helpers, angels, guides, animals, spiritual teachers and ancestors) that are just waiting to assist you if you just seek them out. 

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