Thursday, September 22, 2011

Burning incense with a purpose- set your intention to manifest your desires

Picture this: A quiet evening at home, the lights are dim and soft music is playing. The room is filled with the soft essence of sandalwood and rose incense. This sounds like the perfect evening to curl up with a good book or someone special. I love incense! I use them everyday. Fragrance is a good way to change the atmosphere in a room. It is a common knowledge that fragrance can trigger thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The smell of pine or peppermint might remind you of Christmas. The smell of lavender or chamomile will sooth and relax you. Citrus will energize and excite you, or maybe the smell of fresh cut grass might remind you of a football game or your husband finally mowing the lawn...haha!!I'd like you to think about how you can use fragrance to change your mood or set the intention for your day. I like to take control of my day by burning Frankincense incense. Frankincense is a gratitude incense. The fastest way to generate positive energy is to express gratitude. What a perfect way to start the day.  The simple act of lighting this specific incense is a good way to set your intention of being grateful and attracting positive energy to your life. There are other ways to use incense to set your intention. Lets say you are concerned about your relationship, family or friends. Dragons Blood is a love, family, relationship and protection incense. Light this incense in your home or right outside the front door to express to the universe that you are asking for spiritual assistance in this area of your life. Your intentions, actions, thoughts and feelings shape the person that you are. The person you are attracts others and in turn, invites experiences and opportunity. Collectively we call this "living". Speaking of living, what about making a living? I like to burn a money draw incense on a Thursday. It works with Jupiter the planet of luck and is especially lucky after a new moon. I find that when I set my intention of attracting extra money the universe listens and responds! I like to prepare myself daily, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically in order to create the best possible outcome for my life. Burning incense with intention is simple and requires a minute of your time, effort and a little faith. I have enclosed a list of my favorite incense along with a description of what I use them for specific intention setting. This is a tried and true method that I have incorporated into my daily routine. It helps me to be focused, grounded and open to new possibilities. Try it! Manifest your desires. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to create a positive environment and worst case scenario a great smelling home:)  Love, Light and Blessings! Jackie
To purchase these incense, please visit my online store at!__metaphysical-store
Sandalwood: Grounding Meditation, sensual (bedroom) relaxing

Jasmine: floral filling space often cleansing
Frankincense: Oldest scent in the world. It works  for providing gratitude, thankful blessing
Dragon’s Blood: Sex power love protection keep love in the home
Money Draw: To draw money to you. We encourage you to use Frankincence to express gratitude afterwards. 

Nag Champa:
Nag champa  traditionally includes a resin extracted from the Ailanthus tree, an Asian native, along with sandalwood. Producing a very heavy, earthy aroma. Nag champa also has lighter notes from the sandalwood. Great for grounding.

Wisteria: Dream Incense, Associated with Fairies, Nature World

China Rain: Wonderful when it rains, uplifting and refreshing also more sweeter then regular rain incense.

Romantic Night: the title says it all

Lavender: Cleaning, calming meditation encourage sleep headache, stress tension

Bayberry:  (Outdoor Incense)  Attracts prosperity to the home and repels negative energy. Offer a incense to fill the space up such as Frankincense.
Rain: See (China Rain less Sweeter)
Sage: Cleanse Negative energy. Offer filling incense such as frankincense.
Peppermint: Uplifting mental clarity and focus, helps you get you’re day started
Lemongrass: Lemongrass  boosts self esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength, uplifts spirit and fights depression.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is there something in the air? Curious about what types of people have low vibrational levels?

Are you curious about what types of people have low vibrational levels? What constitutes a low vibration? Vibrational energy can be negative or positive, here is information on what low and high vibration levels can be. If you don't know what's wrong in your life, you can't change it! If you don't know you have it in your life, you can't get rid of it! So "knowing" what situations fall within high and low vibration levels gives you the opportunity to change or get rid of whatever is holding you back.
High Vibration Levels

  • Love

  • Happiness

  • Health

  • Joy

  • Excitement

  • Laughing

  • Smiling

  • Gratitude

  • Succeeding

  • Faith

  • Enjoyment

  • Money

  • God

  • Low Vibrational Levels:

  • Sadness

  • Hate

  • Jealousy

  • Illness

  • Envy

  • War

  • Greed

  • Gossip

  • Spite

  • Lying

  • Lack

  • Be aware of how you feel and what your doing next time you are with a friend, family member, or co-worker. These emotions and actions will help you identify the different vibrations you are sharing with them on a subconscious level.
    Wishing you Good Vibrations!
    Jackie Harris

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    I Forgive Myself

    I have made many mistakes in the past. To continue to have remorse and guilt over these mistakes to continue to separate myself from the Divine. This is the greatest mistake of all.
    I now forgive myself for every past mistake. All condemnation is released. I give up every destructive feeling about the past, every feeling of separateness. I let go of all resentment, every hate and fear. The Divine knows nothing about sin for he did not create it. The Divinity within me has never been contaminated. In truth, I have never been separated from the Divine for a single instant.
    Divine Love as the center of my being frees me from any sense of condemnation of myself and others. As I forgive, I am freely forgiven. I am made free and am a new creation. I let go of the past. I have no guilt regarding the past and no apprehension for the future. I am free.
    And so it is...

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    These 5 priciples have changed my life-they can change yours too!

    The Five Reiki Principles


    I - Just for today, I will not be angry.

    Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates serious blockages in one's energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.
    Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.
    Letting go of anger. brings Piece into the Mind.

    II - Just for today, I will not worry.
    While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always a negative phenomena, endless worries may fill one's head, and each one bores a small hole in one's body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.
    Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.

    III - Just for today, I will be grateful.
    Be grateful from your hart inward. Inner intention is the important element in this principle. Simple things as thanks, forgiveness, smile, good words, gratitude can improve others life and make them happy.
    Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.

    IV - Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
    Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Earn a respectable living, live a life of honor.
    Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

    V- Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

    Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders.
    Being Kind brings Love into the Will.

    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    Please join us- Free Reiki Clinic

    Free Community Wellness Reiki Clinic
    Sunday June 26th
    The Tai Chi Center of Fresno
    1474 N Van Ness Ave
    Fresno, CA 93728
    Please join us for a free Reiki clinic where local Reiki practitioners come together to offer the gift of healing to the Fresno community.

    This is a FREE event: donations are gladly accepted and will benefit The Tai Chi Center of Fresno*

    For more information visit and click on special events.

    Sponsored by:
     Enlightenment: The Right Hand Path

    *The Tai Chi Center of Fresno is a Non-Profit Educational Organization

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    A note from a friend...

    When I think of the beauty and thoughtfulness of Jackie Harris, I’m reminded of the splendor of Angel Wings. Can you visualize the flutter of their wings? Strong yet soft to hear. Protection as we sleep. Attentive as we awake. Mighty wings impacting lives and revealing our deepest thoughts. Delivering beauty out of ashes. Oh, what glory. How many ways can I explain the splendor of Angel Wings? Touching the heart of all by the command of God. Take a moment to imagine yourself sitting before them on a golden bench near a stream, embraced by their wings, and surrounded by many wild flowers. As you glance upwards you’ll notice a flock of white doves flying by a radiant white light. You begin to sing your favorite song. Listen closely, the Angels begin to sing along. What an amazing opportunity to encounter such a presence.

    Many blessings, light, love and comfort, Love Dolores

    Monday, May 2, 2011


    As long as one fights life, one will be injured and bruised and filled
    with resentment toward life. But, when one learns to love life, to
    serve life, and learn from life then one will become a model student
    and life in return will give all it has to offer to help the student to
    graduate and go on to eternal life. So, we can make of life just what
    we wish to make of it. In ignorance, we make very little of it and some
    even attempt to destroy those who understand and try to teach us life's
    purpose. Yet, if we choose to, we can make life a great and a beautiful
    experience. We, as human beings, have free will and it is our choice.

    This is for my friends and family,
    Jackie Harris
    Thank you, Janey Angel

    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    Prayer and Meditation

    "There is a difference between meditation and prayer. Prayer is how we request answers to our problems, express our wants and desires and express gratitude. Meditation is silent, its when we stop talking and LISTEN to the answers. Envision yourself surrounded by love, health, happiness, success and abundance and it will become a thought that you can then manifest in your life"- Jackie Harris

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    REIKI - What is it? Is it right for you?

    What are the benefits of a Reiki Treatment? Reiki treatment can reduce stress and cause deep relaxation, increase your sense of peace and well being, reduce illness, reduce depression and anxiety, increase awareness, creativity and focus, reduce pain, and balance your body’s energies. A recipient may experience a wide range of sensations during a Reiki treatment such as gentle tingling, heat, cold, witness visual sensations, or may not feel anything at all. All Reiki treatments are unique=)

    Does Reiki have anything to do with religion? Reiki is not a religion. Reiki is religiously neutral. Reiki is very spiritual in nature, but there is nothing you are required to believe in before you can use Reiki. It does not require one give up ones religion or changes ones religious beliefs in any way to practice it. The healing lies in your acceptance of it and/or your beliefs about hands on healing.
    Reiki and the Chakras: Reiki balances the body’s energy centers (chakras) and the glands of the endocrine system so that your body can heal itself. The glands of the endocrine system correlate with the 7 major chakras of the body. By balancing the chakras the glands are able to function at a higher potential.
    What is energy healing? Since everything is energy, all healing ultimately involves energy. Working directly with energy influences the physical, mental and emotional, as well as the spiritual level. If there is an illness or disturbance in the body, mind or emotions, Reiki can address those levels. Energy healing complements and supports other methods of healing, because it uses the energy of which the body, mind and emotions are composed. Along with Reiki, I sometimes use the healing energy of crystals, color and sound, and cleanse the aura to help restore the vital energy to your body. Reiki can do no harm nor interfere with any other form of treatment or medications since it comes directly from the God source energy. Energy healing is a unique part of energy medicine. It involves the intended use of the energy field of the healer to affect the energy field of the recipient. With the rising cost of medical treatment it is wise to take advantage of treatment modalities based on maintaining health, ridding the body of toxins and boosting the immune system.
    Reiki is an alternative healing practice and it in no way should replace the care of your medical doctor.
    Reiki works wonderfully with traditional medicine but is no substitute for a
    doctors care.
    It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed
    health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.
    Reiki is meant only to compliment medical treatments and not to replace them.
    • A Reiki practitioner should never tell you to stop treatment with a licensed medical doctor.
    • A Reiki practitioner should not make promises to you as to the outcome of a Reiki Healing session, as it is up to the individual to heal or not, not the Reiki practitioner.
    • A Reiki practitioner should never try to diagnose you or suggest treatment for any medical procedures.
    • A Reiki practitioner should never prescribe you medicine and should not tell you to stop taking medicine that a doctor has prescribed for you
    Jackie Harris is a Reiki Master Teacher practitioner. If you feel that a Reiki Treatment is something that you may be interested in, please feel  free to visit my website at: and click on REIKI in the menu tab or call 1-800-439-1382 ext 101 to schedule your private appointment.
    Love, Light and Blessings

    Friday, March 4, 2011


    It is essential for growth and happiness to surround yourself with positive energy. Positive energy is generated through positive thoughts, actions and words. But what about negative energy? Does it exist? How do you identify it? What can you do to minimize its effects in your daily life? 
     Every living thing on earth has its own quality. This quality is the "feeling" which I'm going to refer to as a "vibration". This vibration is not a physical thing. It cannot be measured with physical senses, nor can it be measured by scientific methodology. However, it can be felt and identified by using the "spiritual sensors"  that we are born with. Even an inanimate object carries traces of the vibrations it has been exposed to. We call this "energy". The energy of those who made the object, who sold it, and those who previously owned it, are absorbed into the "spiritual fabric"  of everything that exists. Every human being can identify the vibration of different people, places and things through the use of our incredible spiritual sensors.
    Like positive energy, the influences of negative energy are caused by:
    *Our own negative thoughts and words
    *Negative thoughts or actions of others

    The effects can include:
    *General unhappiness
    *Psychological problems
    *Bad Luck or the feeling that you may be somehow cursed or hexed
    This is just to name a few...
    It can cause severe disruption in every aspect of your life.
    We all take pride in our physical appearance. We bathe, brush our teeth, exercise, apply makeup, cologne and we wear clean clothes daily. We do this to be healthy, feel good about
    ourselves, to be "clean". But what about our spiritual bodies? No matter what your religious or spiritual belief is most of us believe we have a spirit. This spirit resides inside our physical body. Some believe our spirit gets one chance on this earth, others believe we get many. Some believe while our bodies may expire the soul is eternal. Either way it is reasonable to believe that that our spiritual body may be in need of some cleansing.
    I am a spiritualist and a healer.  Because I am very sensitive to energy, and vibration, I cleanse myself and my home every couple of days in order to maintain my spiritual body. I do this with the use of Reiki, sea salt, lavender essential oil, sage and reciting a special blessing. This method is universal and I use it to perform personal blessings on individuals and house blessings. I have created an effective and beautiful kit with instructions so that you can perform a personal blessing yourself in the privacy of your own home. I can also perform a negative energy cleansing of your your entire home and the objects in it if you wish.  If you would like more information or a consultation about my services, please visit my website and click on services from the menu to get started.
    Love, Light and Blessings

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    Astral Travel- "Where are you going?"

    A friend recently asked me about a dream he had. He explained that in the dream he was out of town, interacting with some people from his past and strangely found himself on an airplane and proceeded to JUMP out of the plane! What disturbed him the most was being awoken by a sensation of "falling". I joked around with him that he could've waited for the plane to land like the rest of us, wear a parachute etc, all the sarcastic stuff that those who know me best would expect me to say. In all seriousness though, it leads me to the subject of astral travel. Lets back up a bit to my friend's dream. In this case the dreamer was conversing with an ex-girlfriend and then jumped out of a plane. I explained to him that when you have a relationship with someone, emotional and spiritual ties are built. Some of us believe that these ties are already in place before we even meet, but that's another interesting theory. My belief is that even though relationships end in the physical world, we still have to work them out spiritually. This is done in the dream realm. The vehicle we do this in is called the astral body. I personally prefer this body because it is weightless, it doesn't need to go to the gym, or even get dressed =) We revisit people, places, things and even other realms to do our spiritual business. This process is called astral travel.We do this without even trying or even remembering for most of us, however, there are those who can do this at will. If you have ever woken up from a dream right before falling, dying, being eaten by a shark, or in my case kissing Andy Garcia (my favorite actor) you were probably astral traveling. You may also experience some physical signs upon awakening like these: feelings of falling, a loud popping/ startling noise in your ear, lethargy, feeling unusually heavy, having a hard time snapping back into reality for a few minutes ( yes, you really do have to get up, feed the kids or pets and go to work even though you were ROYALTY a few minutes ago) These physical sensations are a result of your spiritual body falling back into your physical body. So with these thoughts in mind; welcome back, be glad your alive and practice your astral travel landing!

    *For those of you who are interested in encouraging astral travel or want to astral travel willingly with a destination. I sell and use stones, meditation and incense to facilitate this. Please visit my website @ Just click on the "contact me" tab on the menu and email me. 

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    The day I chose the right hand path

    Welcome. I am honored that you have taken the time to read my inner most thoughts, secrets, and experiences as a psychic. This is an excerpt from my personal journal; the very beginning of the day my life took a right hand turn and never came back...

    DECEMBER 29, 2002
    I have owned this journal for over a year now. It was given to me by a friend I am sure I knew before in a previous lifetime. At the time I thought "What a cool book, maybe I'll write poems in it the way I used to in my adolescent years", but I didn't. I just held on to it, unsure of what its purpose would be until today.
    You see, I've been on a real path of self discovery for about 2 years. In 2002 in the age of Aquarius has been the strongest for me spiritually and psychically. I have been dreaming on a nightly basis. It's almost as if my mind can't wait to sleep so it can live or experience, so that it can share something with me. Has this ever happened to you? These dreams are sometimes scary, thought provoking or unexplainable. I have been predicting events that have actually happened due to these dreams. Unfortunately, only my dear husband Chris can attest to this at this time. Most of the dreams I have are in color. I am very conscious of them. I know that I am dreaming while this is happening. I think I can even go somewhere else in my dreams, control my movements and even wake myself up. About a year ago I had an experience where I saw myself get into this beautiful glass, almost diamond like, bathtub or basin. It was spectacular! The colors reflecting from the light like a diamond ring would on a new bride's finger, only much brighter. There were bubbles in the tub and I walked towards it to get inside. Oh no this is getting kinda sexy huh? I sat down, it was warm and so beautiful and for the first time I was completely unaware of the big body that my soul lives in. Which is usually what I think about especially when I'm in the tub. =D Then, there was an angel..I think. I say angel because she was tall with ivory wings. Huge wings with gold little vein-like seams. She was wearing a white robe, and she was so beautiful. Her skin was sheer- it was as though you could see through her, but not completely. Her features were not 3 dimensional. She seemed to have jewels on her gown and her hair and face sparkled. Now back to me...I am an Aries lol. I had my back towards her, she came up from behind me and I never looked at here face to face. I actually watched the whole thing as if I were in the 3rd person (which i now know we call remote viewing). The angel took 2 or 3 steps upwards, then stepped inside the tub as if I weren't even there. She wrapped her enormous wings completely around me. I felt tears, an emotional release, as if everything was made right. There were no more ailments or worry inside of me, only joy and happiness. I remember while being in the 3rd person that I worried for myself. I felt like she was squeezing me until all my oxygen was gone. Then that 3rd person was no longer. I became the one in the tub and I owned the feelings I described above. She disappeared and I cried uncontrollably. I sat in the tub and watched every drop go slowly down the drain.
    When I woke up I felt very heavy. I couldn't lift my legs and arms. After this experience my dreams were even more exciting. Some were in super color (they don't even exist in this world) and they are living (I was feeling their vibration) Even dark colors are darker than our spectrum. I can even smell in my dreams now and hearing in this world is but a whisper compared to hearing in the dream world. This is the day I was reborn. I stood up and walked for the very first time in my minds eye and took a right hand turn.